On March 17, 2011 the Influencer to Advocates panel was held at the BrightTALK offices in San Francisco. Here is the video of the event on BrightTalk archives , registered login required.
Hope to see you Thursday @ “Influencers to Advocates”, our Think Influence video event
Don’t miss the first Think Influence event of 2011! Our members voted for an event on who is an influencer and how do you attract them. Here it is! Featuring: Don Bulmer, VP, Influencer Relations, SAP Mike Fauscette, GVP, Software Business Solutions, IDC Guy Kawasaki, Co-Founder of Alltop and author of the newly released book, Enchantment Moderated by Barbara French, … Read More
Register for the Think Influence panel: Influencers to Advocates
Social media has enabled business professionals to quickly grow large spheres of influence in targeted industries. These power users hold the key for marketers trying to gain access to their niche audiences. The question is how to identify who the key B2B influencers are, how do you rise above the noise to capture their attention, and how do you encourage … Read More
Tekrati Closes in February 2011
The Tekrati.com website will close during the week of February 7, 2011. Some of the content — such as the Analyst Firms Directory and AR tips — is being moved here to Sway. Tekrati’s subscription service, Analyst Profiles, will be unavailable beginning the 28th of February. After 11 years of being online, it’s time to make a change. I’m excited … Read More
Recording: The Impact of Social on the Analyst Industry: A Roundtable with Jonny Bentwood, Barbara French, Carter Lusher, and Jeremiah Owyang
If you missed today’s fast-paced webinar, here’s the audio replay. However our recorded conversation is just part of the discussion that took place. Check out the real-time reactions and side conversations at Twitter — hashtag #socialanalyst. Thanks to everyone who participated! As Jeremiah said in his closing comments, we want to continue this conversation. Are you in? Please check back … Read More
Register now, tune in tomorrow: Impact of Social Tech on the Analyst Industry
Social technologies are disrupting traditional business models, and the tech industry analyst business is no exception. Or is it? How is social truly changing the day to day work of the tech watchers? their advisory clients? their relations with tech providers? Tune in tomorrow as I exchange views on this important topic with fellow thought leaders Jeremiah Owyang, Jonny Bentwood … Read More
Join me for Looking Ahead: The Future of AR
Where is analyst relations going? How is it changing? What are the implications for people and programs? What can you do about it? I’m delighted to announce that I’ll be leading a discussion on these points early next month with the Forrester Research Analyst Relations Council. It will be a lively exchange with practical and worthy ideas. Special thanks to Trisha Mirel … Read More
Tekrati Hosts Panel With Enderle Group, IDC and Ventana Research Analysts at Software Business 2004
Tekrati(TM) Industry Analyst Reporter and Webcom Communications Corporation announced today that three leading industry analysts will address how Open Source software, outsourcing, licensing, alliances and other software industry mega trends will transform software business strategies and competition over the next year. The interactive keynote panel will be held at the Software Business 2004 Conference (www.softwarebusinessonline.com), which runs Sept. 22-23 at … Read More