Silicon Valley influencer relations – join Richard Edelman on March 1st

BarbaraAnalyst relations, B2B, Branding, Consumer markets, Events, influence, Influencer marketing, influencer relations, marketing, Measurement, Public relations, Research, social media

If you work in influencer relations in Silicon Valley, you want to be at the Churchill Club this Monday March 1st for an evening event featuring John Byrne, Richard Edelman, Paul Bergevin, Peter Diamandis and Frank Shaw. The event comes on the heels of the 2010 Edelman Trust Barometer, a global opinion leaders study mentioned in my last post. The Trust … Read More

2009 Time 100 peeks at people influencing the influencers

BarbaraConsumer markets, influence, influencer relations

I am impressed with the interactive section on the “People Behind The People” published with the 2009 Time 100. It’s an indicator that even a mass consumer audience is interested in learning about “behind the scenes” influencers. Time did a great job slicing and presenting this content to boot, given their audience. It’s a reminder for all of us that … Read More

FTC eyes social media endorsements

BarbaraBloggers, Consumer markets, Influencer engagement, social media

Bloggers who are compensated for endorsing products and services could be held liable for any false statements they make, if newly proposed FTC guidelines are adopted. I’m pleased to see some movement beyond voluntary blogger transparency. I’m a fan of voluntary transparency. It puts peer pressure on bloggers to tell you about sponsorships and other compensation. It has uncovered several … Read More

Social media driving competition for purchase influence

BarbaraB2B, Consumer markets, Influencer marketing, Research, social media

Tom Smith’s guest post at Mashable makes the point that we now trust the opinions of strangers as much as we trust our close friends, thanks to social media. He’s highlighting findings from the Universal McCann study, “When did we start trusting strangers”. Don’t let yourself get lulled into thinking this phenomenon is taking place only in consumer markets. Social … Read More