Silicon Valley influencer relations – join Richard Edelman on March 1st

BarbaraAnalyst relations, B2B, Branding, Consumer markets, Events, influence, Influencer marketing, influencer relations, marketing, Measurement, Public relations, Research, social media

If you work in influencer relations in Silicon Valley, you want to be at the Churchill Club this Monday March 1st for an evening event featuring John Byrne, Richard Edelman, Paul Bergevin, Peter Diamandis and Frank Shaw. The event comes on the heels of the 2010 Edelman Trust Barometer, a global opinion leaders study mentioned in my last post. The Trust … Read More

CRM/SFA guru Ginger Cooper shifts to mobile tech

BarbaraB2B, influencer relations, Sourcing advisors

One of the original CRM/SFA industry journalists-turned-advocates, Ginger Cooper recently took on a new role as Director of Business Development for Green Mobile Tech.  The company specializes in matching client companies with the best mobile solutions for their needs. In her words, “For end-user companies needing to purchase mobile hardware, we help them define their requirements and present them with the top options … Read More

How One Influencer Uses Twitter: John Moore, Chilmark Research

BarbaraB2B, influence, social media

Many tech industry influencers think of Twitter as little more than a vehicle for extending the reach of their opinions. However, Twitter offers more to influencers than a bigger audience. It can be an aide in strengthening expertise as well. Combining the two agendas — improving expertise and expanding reach — makes good sense. One influencer who’s doing this is … Read More

Identifying influencers by apparent importance vs. real trust

BarbaraB2B, Influencer identification, Influencer marketing, Research

Solid research is the only way to cut through the chatter about identifying and prioritizing influencers for word-of-mouth marketing and other forms of influencer marketing. Mike Gotta (Burton Group / Gartner ) points out a just such a study, from the pharma industry. I like this study because it focuses on finding the hidden opinion leaders who drive the first … Read More

Will social media change the way we measure influence?

BarbaraB2B, Influencer ranking, Measurement, social media

Scott Brinker blogged about propinquity and Twitter last week. I’d never heard the word propinquity before. However, propinquity seems to be a label for a familiar concept — the notion that physical promixity promotes relationships. My parents harped about that while I was a teen. Happily, Scott takes a different tack. He suggests that social media applications such as Twitter … Read More

Social media driving competition for purchase influence

BarbaraB2B, Consumer markets, Influencer marketing, Research, social media

Tom Smith’s guest post at Mashable makes the point that we now trust the opinions of strangers as much as we trust our close friends, thanks to social media. He’s highlighting findings from the Universal McCann study, “When did we start trusting strangers”. Don’t let yourself get lulled into thinking this phenomenon is taking place only in consumer markets. Social … Read More

What’s My Line: Analyst, Blogger, or Analyst Blogger?

Barbaraanalysts, B2B, Industry analysts

Richard Stiennon raises an interesting point in his Threat Chaos post, Finding Cool Companies: should analysts who blog at online media networks — in this case, ZDNet — be given media passes to competitor’s events — in this case, Gartner Symposium? I don’t think so, but it does raise an amusing question of ethics. Stiennon, a former Gartner analyst, recently … Read More