Updating analyst relations to support new research-focused influencers

BarbaraAnalyst relations, analysts, Influencer engagement, influencer relations, Research

The web has revolutionized the media and research businesses. Freely available and low-cost research is gaining stature as a viable alternative to higher-priced analyst research. Those who publish so-called “good enough” research are becoming trusted influencers in their own right. Plus, maturing web search services make it easier to find premium and sponsored research stored on the web in a … Read More

Support Jeff Kaplan’s 163-mile bicycle ride for cancer research


One of the many perks of my line of work (influencer relations) is getting to know people who go out and make a difference in the world. Jeff Kaplan, founder of THINKstrategies, is one of these people. He’s an influential voice on SaaS and an emerging opinion leader on cloud computing. Just as importantly (at least in my eyes), he … Read More

TechCrunch muscles in on syndicated research

BarbaraAnalyst relations, analysts, influencer relations, Research, social media

TechCrunch has edged into the syndicated research business, the traditional turf of analyst firms such as Gartner, Forrester Research, IDC, Burton Group, et al. The idea behind TechCrunch Research is elegantly simple: package up quarterly reports based on the open source CrunchBase wiki database, sell the reports at economical price points and promote the service across the TechCrunch media network. … Read More

ZDNet: who do you trust for enterprise software advice?


ZDNet blogger Paul Greenberg ran a poll last week asking who his readers trust most — analysts, journalists, institutional analysts, bloggers, others — “when it comes to a good, clean honest look at the enterprise technology industry… especially around traditional and social enterprise software (CRM, ERP, social network platforms) and technologies associated with it”. With 171 votes to date, the … Read More

Analyst relations outreach: is the goal analysts or decision-makers?

BarbaraAnalyst relations, analysts, influencer relations

Historically, analyst relations (AR) programs have been designed as a bridge between a technology company and the analyst community. As a result, AR programs have focused first and foremost on analysts, and only indirectly on prospects, customers and other decision-makers. Is it possible to reverse this program orientation? Bring it more in line with other communications strategies, such as social … Read More

IIAR wants your vote on the analyst of the year

BarbaraAnalyst relations, analysts

Jonny Bentwood was in touch with an invitation for you. He’d like your help in determining the IIAR’s “analyst of the year”. Technically, you’ll help determine more than one analyst of the year. They’ll name one worldwide, one for the Americas and another for EMEA. I suppose with enough votes Asia-Pacific could have an analyst of the year as well. … Read More