Recessionary marketing: prepare for cuts in spend, jobs

BarbaraBooks, Influencer marketing

The tech outlook keeps sliding in the wrong direction — IDC revising forecasts downward, NPD forecasting lighter holiday spend on consumer electronics, etc. — and sooner or later that means cuts in marketing spend and marketing jobs.

In terms of marketing spend, adopting influencer relations should be a priority. Influencer identification and engagement can improve measurable results from marketing, despite budget reductions. Find more by contacting me ( or start by reading Nick’s and Duncan’s book, Influencer Marketing.

In terms of marketing jobs, there is no straightforward fix. Marketing jobs are always a target for cost reduction in the tech sector. It’s one of the grim realities of being a marketing professional in the tech sector.

If you’re out there on the hunt for a new position, get a quick sanity check from Seth Godin.

If you’re in the unfortunate position of cutting staff, check out Guy Kawasaki’s post at the American Express OPEN Forum, The Art of Laying People Off. It’s an excerpt from his new book, Reality Check. Readers are commenting on his advice at his blog.